Membership suspension

Information on how to cancel your membership if you need to say goodbye.

cancellation of membership

We are sorry that you are leaving us.

    If you decide to reactivate your membership in the future (and we hope you do), the membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will apply, as membership rates are subject to change. If you are traveling or are injured and would like to cancel your membership Instead of canceling, you can submit a membership suspension request HERE. If you are sure you want to cancel, simply fill out the form below and submit. This will serve as your 30 day written notice of cancellation pursuant to your Membership Agreement. Please note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within this 30 day period, the payment will be processed as scheduled. All payments are non-refundable. Proof of new residency is required to cancel membership due to a move greater than 50 miles away. Additionally, 30 days written notice of termination is required.

Please fill out the form to cancel your membership.
By filling out the form you agree to the above terms and conditions.

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